For Knowledge Library

We collaborate to build solutions that serve all residents


Real projects, real people, real difference


C40 Cities Finance Facility (CFF) collaborates with cities to prepare and implement urban infrastructure projects that improve the lives of residents with large scale, measurable impact.

By connecting projects to the right finance and providing cities with the ongoing support and expertise they need, we turn resilient and inclusive climate action plans into real projects that make a real difference to people’s lives. Our solutions are city-centred and designed to serve all residents, addressing the impacts and injustices of climate breakdown while focusing on increasing equity and climate resilience in the most critical area for adaptation and mitigation; cities of the Global South.

From Mumbai to Medellin, Durban to Dakar, we have partnered with 30 cities across 4 regions, supporting 36 transformative projects in key climate action areas: nature-based solutions, renewable energy and buildings, sustainable mobility, water and waste management. So far we have mobilised $650m in climate investments and are on course to leverage over $1bn by 2025. But this is just a fraction of what is necessary. There is no time to waste.

Our mission is to facilitate access to finance for climate change mitigation and resilience projects in cities


City-centred and impact driven


An estimated $4 trillion per year in infrastructure investment is needed for low and middle-income countries to leapfrog the fossil fuel-driven economic development of the past and implement essential adaptation and mitigation measures. Yet only 0.8% of the capital managed by institutional investors is allocated to infrastructure.

With greater numbers of marginalised residents directly and disproportionately affected by drought, flooding, heat stress, storms and sea levels rising, cities across Africa, Asia and Latin America have the need, ambition and drive to change for the better, but too often they fail to secure the necessary finance.

Our purpose is to bridge that gap by working alongside the city administration to ensure financial readiness. With links to the right finance and effective support, all essential climate action plans can become reality.


Our mission is to facilitate access to finance for climate change mitigation and resilience projects in cities (1)


Futures driven by the city, for the city


CFF prioritises the needs of the city with unbiased, independent advisory services grounded in subject expertise. We find the best financial tools for each project and ensure that every solution supports the most marginalised communities, where the greatest impact can be made.

A sector expert is provided by CFF to facilitate effective collaboration with the city administration. But just as important is committed investment in people. CFF's ongoing development support includes specialised training, peer-to-peer exchanges, workshop events and knowledge sharing.

Over nearly a decade of action we have mobilised $650m in climate investments and are on course to leverage over $1bn by 2025. This isn’t ‘potential’ finance but real projects and investments that have been built or contracted. In 2020 we were proud to receive the UN Global Climate Action Award.


If you'd like to get in touch, email us at or mail either address below:

C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group

3 Queen Victoria Street
London, EC4N 4TQ
United Kingdom

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Potsdamer Platz 10
10785 Berlin